Gene interactions and pathways from curated databases and text-mining

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Text-mined interactions from Literome

Saad et al., Kidney Int 2005 (Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental...) : The effects of high glucose on PTC proliferation, reduced apoptosis and increased NHE3 mRNA levels are mediated by EGFR dependent up-regulation of SGK-1
Stevens et al., Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2007 : Inhibition of the EGF-R reduced SGK-1 and fibronectin expression in control, and following exposure to EGF and high glucose conditions ... In cells in which SGK-1 was silenced, fibronectin was reduced and there was no significant increase in pEGF-R, suggesting that SGK-1 is downstream of the EGF-R and negatively inhibits EGF-R activation