Tajima's D SNPs Track Settings
Tajima's D SNPs   (All Variation and Repeats tracks)

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 SNPs AD  SNPs from African Descent   Data format 
 SNPs ED  SNPs from European Descent   Data format 
 SNPs XD  SNPs from Chinese Descent   Data format 
Assembly: Human July 2003 (NCBI34/hg16)


This track shows the SNPs that were used in the calculation of Tajima's D (Tajima, 1989), a measure of nucleotide diversity, estimated from the Perlegen data set (Hinds et al., 2005). Tajima's D is a statistic used to compare an observed nucleotide diversity against the expected diversity under the assumption that all polymorphisms are selectively neutral and constant population size.


See the Tajima's D track or Carlson et al. for more details on the use of this track.


This track was created at the University of Washington using gfetch from the Nickerson Laboratory and the R statistical software package.


Tajima, F. Statistical method for testing the neutral mutation hypothesis by DNA polymorphism. Genetics 123, 585-595 (1989).

Carlson, C.S., Thomas, D.J., Eberle, M., Livingston, R., Rieder, M. Nickerson, D.A. Genomic regions exhibiting positive selection identified from dense genotype data. Genome Res 15, 1553-65 (2005).